Beatific Sight and Education

Beatific Sight and Education

It is interesting to ponder the memories and knowledge that we have integrated into our worldview and retain in our permanent memory.  I still remember many things from classes taught more than two decades ago by Dr. Shuta.  He constantly challenged us with new...

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The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

Vision is critical to the success of any organization, and Fortis Academy has a clear vision: To develop Christian thinkers and communicators. The most important element of that vision is “Christian.” That term was given to believers and was descriptive of their goal...

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Developing Civility

Developing Civility

I love the fact that Fortis Academy is multidenominational in a manner that allows liberty to express our opinions. One of our goals at Fortis Academy is to empower our children to be able to express their opinions with eloquence, persuasiveness and using sound logic....

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The Hope of a Christian School

The Hope of a Christian School

I am very thankful to live in a country where we are free to educate our children according to the dictates of our conscience.  This is especially important because the natural sentiment of parents is genuine love and concern for their children and a hope that they...

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Endowed by Our Creator

Endowed by Our Creator

Education is about raising our sons and daughters to be men and women of God.  The more fully we define what a mature Christian is like, the richer our understanding of education becomes.  In the classical Christian tradition, we hold that education is not just about...

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Free to Tell of God’s Blessings

Free to Tell of God’s Blessings

One of the benefits of being at a classical Christian school is that we can connect our children with the great inheritance of Western Civilization.  Though I do not usually like to include large quotes in a short update, I thought the following from Rodney Stark was...

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Giving Thanks for Our Community

Giving Thanks for Our Community

This morning I had the privilege of joining some of families at a 25th anniversary celebration for their church.  One of our Dads described to me research that was done on how being thankful has been proven to have positive effects on the body and for medical...

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A Love for Learning

A Love for Learning

One of the goals of a classical Christian education is to inspire a love for learning, and one of the most exciting things as an educator is when students develop that passion for themselves.  I would argue that this is only fully possible in a Christian school,...

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Educational Tradition

Educational Tradition

How a nation educates our children determines the future of our society.  I often have the privilege of meeting families who are concerned not only about where our society is, but also about the culture and content of modern education.  They are looking for something...

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Our Core Beliefs

Our Core Beliefs

As a multi-denominational school, Fortis Academy has agreed upon a small set of beliefs that we all agree upon and explicitly teach in the classroom: The Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God. The Bible has defined marriage. The Bible has defined gender. The...

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