This Sunday, during a wonderful time of fellowship, a member of our church began quoting C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton in response to the message. From there we began discussing the incredible ideas that came out of that era and pondered what made them such wordsmiths.  I suggest a classical education and reading classical literature played a major role in the quality and impact of ideas that came from people such as the Inklings.  Yet, that is only part of the picture, they were engaged in communities that were passionate about discussing great ideas from a biblical perspective.  That is the type of culture we are working to create at Fortis Academy.

Jesus told us that the children of the world are often more shrewd than the children of light.  They often discover and make better use of the principles that part of the way God created the world.  For example, they have taken the lead role in being the storytellers that shape the values and dreams of our culture.  The stories that are shaping young minds coming from everywhere including science department, the news and Hollywood.  They often have areas where they agree with reality (the truth) that we can appreciate and celebrate, but they often also promote false ideas that lead to false messiahs and human degradation.  The sad part is that there although there are no stories more gripping than the ones that ring true with the values and truth of scripture, there are very few Christians who have become trained in the arts of communication and persuasion that are also deep Christian thinkers with a mature Christian worldview.  It is with that in mind, that our vision at Fortis Academy is to develop Christian thinkers and communicators.  The whole process must begin as all classical education does, from a place of wonder and ends by rightly ordering what we love.   The byproduct of such an education is both the ability to make the world more beautiful for the glory of God, but also to live a truly satisfied and successful life as humans created in the image of God.